Thank you. I have a few ideas of my own, but they are all descriptive research. Can you provide me ideas/topics for a good thesis in Psychology for experimental and historical methods of research.
Thank you so much.
Can you give me good ideas on what I should do for my thesis in Psychology?
I think it would be very interesting if you did a thesis on the psychiatric community's choices to medicate instead of actually teaching coping mechanisms. Why do they give out the same diagnosis for everyone, why do they send people through cycles of medications, and then put them back on a medication that has already been tried. I guess what I am saying is What do the Psychologists of the Future need to do different so that people can get help, instead of choosing to hand out pills so easy? (I do not mean that ever Dr. does this, but the majority appear to)Then pose the way that Psychiatrists choose to experiment with medication ? Do they do it because they have no idea what to do to help someone? Do they do it because it's the easist way to make money? I guess asking why that over 90% of the population is medicated and what can be done to change this in the future? It's definately a controversial dilemna but it's very real, and I've listened to many people agonizing over the inability to get help, but all that they suffer through with side effects due to medications. It's an important issue and I think people need to start addressing it, and I don't know what the exact title would be, but why and how the psychiatric community handle things in the manner that they do, then compare it to how it used to be done, and are there any positive soloutions for the future. Or will it continue to keep on passing out pills that for the most part without any success
Reply:I will not take up your time with a lengthy diatribe on any particular subject other than to suggest how the
doctor/psychologists/pschiatrists are so eagerly promoting medication and overdiagnosing mentall illness as a whole.. everybody suffered from clinical depression in the '90s.. and the affliction of choice for this decade seems to be bipolarism.. if people are happy and sad they are automatically bipolar in the eyes of modern physicians.. look into the rate of increase of prescription medicine for children and adults and the rate of increase based on specific afflictions.. and factor in the cost relationships / increased insurance premiums and valuations attributed to mental illness.. there are a lot of recently approved treatments that will change the outlook and prognosis of current patients for decades to come... for those that really need them.. and the alternatives to medication.. yoga/meditation/talk therapy.. natural suppliments .. there is a relationship to be found there as well..
Good Luck with your studies :)
Reply:A thesis addressing the historical science methods central to the “human science” or “second psychology” traditions as quantitative and experimental methods.
Reply:How about Asperger's Syndrome? You could explain how you can tell if a child is just ignoring you completely just to be a pain in the a** or if there is an actual physical problem.
Reply:Well my answer would be "Battered Women's Syndrome". I realize that we live in an extremely bruised society and there is the blame game everywhere.....we are enslaved by fear. This topic is SO VERY in with what is going on in not only our country....or let me say the USA....but everywhere. It is not genetic....and I was going through counseling, even after counseling myself and I was surprised at what knee jerk reactions I had after all of the books I have read, education etc. ~ This subject is so preemminent, so "Today' and so "Now" that I am stunned....I all of a sudden this year was shocked when I realized that in my lifetime (mind you I had NEVER thought about this factor...) ~ and it is only one by one that there is a difference made. I am NOT saying that battering is only done to women.... as it is not...there are men, the elderly etc. However, the intricisies of this are far reaching and the tributaries of those battling to educate women about their reactions be proactive and not simply hand maidens to objective/subjective situations inclusive that once married, if so...or even liveing together, the equality stops. Now.....this begins far before an alliance is struck up with another as a is how WE deal with the world ....our families, our friends, our fears.
In essence....i would recommend this and there are sister organizations inclusive of therapists, shelters with myriad personnel to assist in the battering issue, which is far more than is the beating down and the breaking of the spirit... I was nearly broken in spirit and then I happened to meet some people who aided me in the recapturing my strength...which was always inside. For many it will take more time, therapy and social reintegration. For others it could be school.....ultimately it is a 'Process' that enlightens us on how to set boundaries and to have a plan B at ALL times. ...such as e-911 phones, protective measures w/ ex-spouses or partners.
The issue of parental abuse often comes into play here. This is worth checking into...perhaps you wont care for my recommendation, however i am VERY proactive in this and would recommend this to anyone......I still with all that i have learned, seek an occasional outside judgement or call on my situation at hand....and it is GREAT to know that it's a phone call away....there are many places scattered troughout the nation...the best of which and there are degrees of what are considered the best at this. I know therapists who havent half the knowledge of what I do regarding this subject. In my finality I will recommend a is called "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker (ISBN # 9 780316 235020) and another book, now THIS is regarding "Crazy Times"...another of the best I have read tho the former of the two you can get at your library and i love my first edition...i have shared the contents of this with so many women and makes so much sense....
Well it appears that I have written a treatise...not my intention..and every answer has an ending....and mine.
I wish you well in your endeavours regardless of what you decide to do.......Thank you very much.
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