Focus Group is a marketing research method. Usually before a new product or a new ad is launched, the company arrange a small group a people, usually 3-8 people to sit in a comfortable room. Food and drink will be served. Then they will have 1-2 hours to talk about their opinion about the product or ad. The researcher seldom express his opinion. What they talk will be taped and analysed by the marketing experts to help them get some clue out from it.
What do you think about focus group? Would you join?
"Focus groups may be the worst form of market research...except for all the others..." (Templeton, Jane - "The Focus Group", Probus Publishing, Chicago, 1994)
It is an abused research method because, as it is fast, simple, easy to understand for the marketeer, is used for everything, as the only technique.
It gives the wrong impression of knowing something about the consumer. Wrong because the sample is too small.
It is indispensable to explore, to get sensations, to develop hypothesis.
It is no so good to confirm that hypothesis, because the sample is too small.
About if I would join (participate) in one, of course I would do. What is the problem?
Reply:I thought that when you said "join one" you ment to be part of the sample.
There are very useful, indispensable I said, to explore and develop hypothesis. I have used almost hundreds of them (during 30 years...) and I would it again.
The only problem is that they are used for everything. Report Abuse
Reply:You should hold a focus group on whether people would join a focus group to find out this answer...
my cat
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