Friday, July 16, 2010

What is your opinion about bulimia as a weight loss method?

I'm not planning on using it, don't worry, but I'm doing a research paper about its methods, and I'd like to use Yahoo Answers as a source. Please be honest!!! Thanks for your help :)

What is your opinion about bulimia as a weight loss method?
Bulimia does not help you lose weight. If you know many bulimics, then you know that most bulimics are either at a normal weight or are over overweight.

Even though you most likely won't lose weight, you will lose your hair, teeth, bone density, and most, if not all, of your friends.

Is food poisoning a method of weight loss?? No, it is an illness, just as bulimia is. Bulimia Nervosa is a recognized psychiatric illness. It is unhealthy to say the least and if left untreated, can be fatal.
Reply:I personally think it's stupid. In my opinion Bulimics are just people who don't want the Anorexic label/stigma.

Besides, it's pointless. You only get rid of half the calories doing it, and you end up looking UGLY. It's like standing outside in the rain while trying to dry yourself off with a drying towel.
Reply:i was told by my counselour that bulimia doesnt actually work for weight loss. its more of a control thing. anyway, it doesnt work b/c by the time someone gets around to throwing up, the calories from binging have already set in, so they just throw up the extra that ur body doesnt need anyway. its also bad for your throat, teeth, and stomach, and much more.

hope i helped =)
Reply:it's not a weight loss method. It's a deadly psychological disorder that needs to be treated.
Reply:It's shitty.

Bulimia really doesn't help weight loss - it helps you maintain a weight.

Bulimics binge eat, and attempt to throw up everything they ate, which doesn't work.

They still have many calories left in their system.

Anorexia is much more effective, ha.

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