Sunday, August 22, 2010

I have a question about Operation research in mathematics?

If we have a Operation research problem such as :

suppose that this is a dual problem:

min z


2a1+2a2+6a3+3a4+6a5%26lt;= 2z



a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,z %26gt;=0

How can i solve this problem with dual symplex , and if this problem solve with another soloutions please tell me.

A person suggest me to solve this problem with Excell solver.but I had been solved it with a strongest software in operation research ,LINDO. so now I know the final soloutions but I want to know How Can I solve this problem without any software and just with the methods in dual symplex in operation research in mathematics.

Thanks for your answers

I have a question about Operation research in mathematics?
Are you using LINDO from 5.25" discs from the back of the text book? The explanation of how to solve this using linear programming and a specific algorithm (usually, simplex) implementation are tedious. Please email me with the urgency or your request.

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