Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is stepping method of operations research?

Upgrade the Excel Solver: Build Better Models Faster,

Optimize Your Biggest Models with Amazing Speed,

Help Your Company Make Money-Saving Decisions!

If Microsoft Excel is a familiar or productive tool for you, then you've come to the right place for optimization and simulation software! Frontline Systems developed the Solver in Excel for Microsoft. Our Premium Solver products are upward compatible from the standard Excel Solver -- your Solver models, and even your VBA code controlling the Solver, will work as-is.

You can solve much larger problems, much faster than with the standard Solver, and you can solve entirely new types of problems. You can save time building models and getting them to solve properly. The payoff can be great -- it's not unusual for our Solver users to help their companies save millions of dollars!

Our new Risk Solver is the easiest, fastest, and most powerful tool you can buy for risk analysis of your Excel models, using Monte Carlo simulation -- up to 100 times faster than simulation using Excel alone!

The best way to learn more is to register on (it's free), so you can:

Download a free 15-day Trial Version of any of our Excel Solver, Risk Solver, or SDK Solver products

Download our Solver User Guides -- learn more about the standard Excel Solver, Premium Solver, Risk Solver for Monte Carlo simulation, and how to build better optimization models

Access "protected" Tech Support pages and downloadable example models

Premium Solver Platform

We offer Excel Solver upgrades for several types and sizes of optimization problems. But our best-selling product is the Premium Solver Platform, in part because it can handle every type of problem up to certain size limits:

Linear and quadratic programming problems up to 8,000 variables

Conic and mixed-integer programming problems up to 2,000 variables

Smooth nonlinear, global, and nonsmooth optimization problems up to 500 variables

And you'll want the Premium Solver Platform even if your problem is larger than these limits, because it is the base or "platform" that all of our larger-scale Solver Engines "plug into." If your problem grows in size, you can easily add one or more Solver Engines to the Premium Solver Platform at any time. Think your model is too big? Don't worry -- some of our users have linear programming models with millions of decision variables!

You can register for free, download and try out the Premium Solver Platform right now! Or you can view more specific Premium Solver Platform Product Information. For a quick summary, click here for our Excel Solver Product Comparison. For pricing information, click on Excel Software and Support Prices.

Premium Solver

If the Premium Solver Platform is too much for your budget, and if you just need to solve a modest-size linear, mixed-integer, or smooth nonlinear model, you can use our Premium Solver for less.

However, the Premium Solver is "expandable" only to solve large-scale linear programming problems, with our Large-Scale LP Solver. All of our other "plug-in" Solver Engines require the Premium Solver Platform, and even the Large-Scale LP Solver offers better performance with the Platform.

Click here for more specific Premium Solver Product Information. For a quick summary with problem size limits, click here for our Excel Solver Product Comparison. To try out the Premium Solver, simply register and follow the link to download Excel products.

Risk Solver

Risk Solver helps you capture uncertainty in your Excel model, and see the consequences -- over not just a "best, average and worst case" scenario, but thousands of scenarios -- in seconds. And modifying your existing Excel model to do this is easier than you think, with Risk Solver. Risk analysis expert Dr. Sam Savage says, "Risk Solver does for uncertainty what the spreadsheet did for numbers." If you can use Excel, you can use Risk Solver!

Only Risk Solver has instant, interactive risk analysis based on PSI Technology™, with lightning-fast simulations and instantly updated charts and statistics, each time you change a number. Only Risk Solver empowers you to explore the new discipline of Probability Management. Only Risk Solver works with our leading-edge Premium Solver to give you breakthrough speed for simulation optimization. And only Risk Solver includes a runtime package, Risk Solver Engine, making it easy for you to develop and deploy your applications to end users.

The fastest way to learn more is to register for free, download and try out Risk Solver! Or you can view more specific Risk Solver Product Information.

Solver Engines

If your optimization problem is likely to exceed the size limits of the Premium Solver Platform, then you'll want to choose a Solver Engine that handles larger-scale problems of a specific type. For more information, click on Field-Installable Solver Engines. If you register on, you can download and try out all seven of our Solver Engines!

Even if your problem fits within the size limits of the Premium Solver Platform, you may find that you can obtain much faster solutions with Field-Installable Solver Engines. It makes sense to choose a Solver Engine that uses algorithms or methods most efficient for your type of problem, especially if the problem is larger size.

Solver Engines range in price, depending on their features, speed and capacity -- click on Excel Software and Support Prices for details. For more information on Solver Engines for specific types of optimization problems, click on one of the links below:

Linear and Quadratic Programming Problems

Conic Optimization Problems

Integer and Constraint Programming Problems

Smooth Nonlinear Optimization Problems

Global Optimization Problems

Nonsmooth Optimization Problems

Note: Every Frontline Systems Solver Product will handle problems with integer variables, including variables subject to the "alldifferent" constraint. If your problem involves many such variables, however, you may find much faster solutions using the Solver Engines found through the link "Integer and Constraint Programming Problems" above.

Register for Download and Support Benefits

Register now! -- it's simple and free -- so you can:

Download a free 15-day Trial Version of any of our Excel Solver, Risk Solver, or SDK Solver products

Download our Solver User Guides -- learn more about the standard Excel Solver, Premium Solver, Risk Solver for Monte Carlo simulation, and how to build better optimization models

Access "protected" Tech Support pages and downloadable example models

Just enter your name and email address, pick the closest "User Type," and click the Register for Download button. You can download immediately after registering, or return later anytime -- just login with your email address -- when you're ready to try out our Excel Solver upgrades.

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