Sunday, August 22, 2010

My grad school application requires an essay about my objectives in pursuing a master’s degree in education?

I know it's neither politically correct nor the mindset of the model student, but quite honestly I just want to get the piece of paper because it means an $8500 a year pay increase, which I very much need. So, I am completely stuck on what to say in this essay. Any help with any ideas would result in my undying gratitude!!!!

Oh -

For anyone who will say, "You probably give assignments like this to your students. Now you know how they feel!". I can assure you I have NEVER given an assignment like this. I teach kindergarten. :)


For anyone who think I am not interested in learning current research and methods, that's not true. My school system provides monthly in-service seminars which keep us up-to-date.

My grad school application requires an essay about my objectives in pursuing a master’s degree in education?
Some ideas:

How some teachers often have to do more parenting than teaching.

Lack of adequate reading and writing skills among high school students.

Innovative ways to interest parents in their children's education.

How to entice students to become teachers (many students want to be Donald Trump, Bill Gates, or a professional athlete immediately after graduation).

Impact of bi-lingual or multi-lingual requirements in the future. (Many companies are multinational. Some jobs already require speaking more than one language, many more will in the future. Hispanics are the fastest-growing group in the U.S.)

Teaching students for whom English is a second language.
Reply:i completely understand. that extra cash is needed on a teaching salary. tell them it is your calling in life to teach children. you were born with the temperment for children and you want to provide the stepping stone to a solid education. just bs them! it will all sound good in the end. give examples.
Reply:Yeah, the extra money is a good incentive, but just reflect on why you went to collage in the first place, most of that should still fit with your answer to the question. If nothing else, write about how you feel that your students deserve the highest quality teacher available to them and that if you don't take the next step in your own education, you feel that you may be selling your students short in their own education by missing out on new techniques and practices that could only be learned in grad school. Also, mentioning that your school tries to educate teachers on their own initiative may help. It shows the college that you're in a progressive school and aren't just using it as a jumping board to get into more elite schools but rather you are simply attemtping to increase the value of education at the school (well, the implication is there even if moving to an elite school is your purpose).

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