Thursday, August 19, 2010

My grad school application requires an essay about my objectives in pursuing a master’s degree in education?

My grad school application requires an essay about my objectives in pursuing a master’s degree in education.

I know it's neither politically correct nor the mindset of the model student, but quite honestly I just want to get the piece of paper because it means an $8500 a year pay increase, which I very much need. So, I am completely stuck on what to say in this essay. Any help with any ideas would result in my undying gratitude!!!!

Oh -

For anyone who will say, "You probably give assignments like this to your students. Now you know how they feel!". I can assure you I have NEVER given an assignment like this. I teach kindergarten. :)


For anyone who think I am not interested in learning current research and methods, that's not true. My school system provides monthly in-service seminars which keep us up-to-date.

My grad school application requires an essay about my objectives in pursuing a master’s degree in education?
OK to start out ignore the *****.

I would try to write about what you like about teaching or what you want to get out of teaching the kids. How you feel it is the base of where the kids will begin a life of never ending learning. They say you learn something new every day. Talk about how important it is for you to know all you can so you can influence the young minds of the kids you will be teaching.'re a teacher...with an education degree...who is openly admitting you are unable to do your own work and write your own essay? You don't deserve the additional money. Earn it. Do the work. Practice what you would preach in a classroom. This is like openly cheating. How sad. Teachers with no ethics.

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