Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why are so many fundamentalist christian beliefs at odds with so many other methods of understanding?

There are so many independant fields of research that contradicted the various christian faiths, not to mention so many other faiths that bear no resemblance to the christian doctrines, so why can christians feel their belief is the only truth..

Seems awfully bigoted and narrow minded..!!

Why are so many fundamentalist christian beliefs at odds with so many other methods of understanding?
Faith requires a certain amount of "suspension of disbelief". That's why the contradictions don't bother them.
Reply:Now have you seen the evidence to that prove the bible to the most accurate history book ever written.

The only narrow-minded thing, Is you nothing looking into something 100% before bashing it.

Here's some Christianity 101: ARCHAEOLOGIST sure after taking a satellite image, that they know where the Garden of Eden is and by pure coincidence the bible gives a very accurate account of it.

Moses and Egypt: If The water didn't turn to Blood, But RED TIDE, the accounts of how the events happened are EXACTLY how it would have happened (I.E. The fish dieing, The frogs. The Boils on people, Locust, which are amazingly very common there) The only unexplainable event is the first born son's dieing.

Not only is the bible a history book of people, Scriptures made by people not mentioned in the bible, Confirm those accounts to be true, they also mention all 12 apostles, who remember wouldn't stand by Jesus when he was crucified, But by sheer coincidence after his death, They WERE ALL KILLED FOLLOWING JESUS. (Remember they feared prosecution when he was alive and wouldn't tell anyone they knew Jesus, until he resurrected and they saw him.) Now if they feared standing by him when he was alive, Why do it after he died? Unless they were given some information THEY PROVED HIM. (IE saw him after he died)

They found a HUGE WOODEN STRUCTURE in the Mountains of Arafat, That cannot be removed, because it is now a part of the Mountain. (The bible says that Noah's Ark landed on the Mountains of Arafat) Even The scientist would found it said and I quote "If I walked straight into NYC with this object, and told them, they still wouldn't believe it, so whats the point?"

I could go on and on

So actually the only bigoted and narrow minded is you, for not knowing anything about it

"There are so many independent fields of research that contradicted the various Christian faiths, not to mention so many other faiths that bear no resemblance to the Christian doctrines, so why can christians feel their belief is the only truth.."

Did you just make that up??? Sounds like it.
Reply:And yet for the last 2000 years it has remained true, despite the "various" faiths that contradict us.
Reply:They are trapped in a cult.

The evidence to support this statement is overwhelming across Yahoo answers

- a refusal to recognize viewable, measurable facts;

- a refusal to acknowledge the existence of other wisdom and divine revelation;

- a refusal to believe that the very God they worship has spoken for 2,000 years;

- a complete faith and belief in the leaders of their church being divinely inspired, even though history continues to shows these people as less than honorable.

Yes, all these are real signs that christians are sadly gripped in a cult, unable to break away and see the world and even their own faith for what it is.

What would Jesus Do?


+ Jesus founded the Nazarenes.


+ Paul of Tarsus founded christianity to counter the message of Jesus and distort its meaning.


+ So Jesus no doubt rejoices everytime a christian is freed from the grips of christianity and can separate God, him and truth from the church.
Reply:"Seems awfully bigoted and narrow minded..!!"

There is nothing else to be said here.
Reply:It would be easier to answer your question if you made references to these "contradictions".

Reply:Same can be said for any religion.

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