Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is represantantive sampling?

I'm doing my essay on diferent types of sampling.......this is in research methods ....help.

What is represantantive sampling?
On a production line you take one from each batch going through

For polls, it is why they ask your age so they can get a cross section of the public. Breaking it further down by income, type of employment etc depending on the sample size.
Reply:Representitive sampling is where the sample size is sufficient to give a result that gives a true reflection of the parent population so that a clear conclusion can be drawn from the outcome of the research conducted.

E.g asking 100 people at random from a town of 100,000 people if they eat breakfast to test the hypothesis that everyone in the town eats breakfast would not yield a significant result.

If you asked 90 year 10 schoolchildren at random from a population of 200 year 10 schoolchildren from the same school if they liked maths yes or no then this is a more representitive number of the parent population, thus allowing the significance tests to yield a true opinion.

Hope this helps

Good luck.
Reply:Representative sampling is when your sample accuratley reflects the population as a whole. The OECD defines it as such:

"In the widest sense, a sample which is representative of a population. Some confusion arises according to whether “representative” is regarded as meaning “selected by some process which gives all samples an equal chance of appearing to represent the population”; or, alternatively, whether it means “typical in respect of certain characteristics, however chosen."

Hope this helps

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